earn more
writing code

Multiply your income and work from anywhere

Learn to write code and say goodbye to

Small salary

Still not earning enough after all the hard work and hardly seeing any raises, or worse - there have been pay cuts


Constant threat of being let go - impossible to make plans if you're not even sure you have a job tomorrow

Feeling stuck

Alternating between stress, boredom, and constant micromanaging and having nowhere to grow

Life imbalance

All that overtime and work on weekends chasing deadlines instead of spending it with your partner or kids

Unlock Your Earning Potential with Our Proven Email Course

How to get in

Get access to our FREE email course that will cover everything you need know to go from zero coding experience to getting hired as a developer and multiplying your income.

Discover the Perks of Being a Developer

Financial stability

Greater than average salary, steady rise in income, stock options and bonuses are all part of the norm

Location independence

It's possible to work from home, or even from a different country, as long as there's internet

Options for extra income

There are numerous freelance gigs out there, or use your skills to build your own side project

Job safety

Even if being let go, good coding skills are in such a heavy demand you can find another job in no time

Peace of mind

Money is still a thought but no longer a concern - there is always some left over to save and invest

Low-stress environment

There are rarely any deadlines as you have more control over your workload and schedule

Inspiring coworkers

You get to be around and work closely with some of the smartest, funniest and most talented people

Being valued by employer

Access to a range of perks, such as company events, training opportunities, and a fun office space

Hi, I'm Margus

Self-taught developer

Having spent my twenties jumping from one unstable job to another, while constantly being broke and stressed out, I finally made a decision to teach myself to code in my 30s

From zero to senior

In the course of a few years, without any proper guidance, I took several wrong turns until I finally managed to go from complete zero to a junior, and have now worked my way to a senior level​

An eye for companies

I have been part of both small startups and international scaleups and know what to look for in a company - in short, it should grow and also support your own growth while making it fun and enjoyable

Experience in hiring

I have been part of the hiring process, reviewing applicants' test tasks and doing technical interviews, so I know what the companies want and what to focus on in order to land your first developer job​

Passion for mentoring

I have experience and passion for helping newcomers - I have been in the "buddy" role for several new hires, and also a mentor for interns who have transitioned into tech from various other fields ​

Closing the support gap

My goal is to offer the kind of support and encouragement I never had during my self learning days, and help also others in what has been one of the best decisions of my career and life

What you'll get

Insider's perspective

Solid understanding and clear overview of the everyday life of a developer beyond just writing code

Honest coverage

Discussing both the challenges and rewards of the journey, so you would be fully prepared

Relevant material

Sharing the resources top developers use in their daily work, in order to speed up your progress

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